Český Krumlov
According to the guide book at our Airbnb rental in Prague, Český Krumlov is the only other “must-see” location in the Czech Republic. I am sure many a seasoned tourist would disagree, but for us it was welcomed news as Český Krumlov was right along our planned route and next destination as we traveled south to Salzburg, Austria.
We packed up and departed Prague in a literal flurry, snow falling and Michelle and I scrambling to pack and get our lives back in car / travel mode. Our departure from Prague’s city center could not have been more beautiful, the overnight snow had accumulated and was still clinging to trees as well as adorning the city’s ancient and historic architecture. As our trips primary driver I am always the first to observe the endless “look out your window, did you see that” sights and while it’s tempting to pull over at a moment’s notice and throw on the hazard lights it’s never ideal. Michelle, as well as the kids, would argue that “we are always waiting for dad and his camera.” Needless to say our departure from Prague amid all it’s snowy wonder was not captured by a camera. You’ll have to take our word, better yet, make plans yourself to come and see the magic of this city in all it’s winter glory. Winter doesn’t seem to have nearly the draw as far as tourism for most of our European stops, but we would argue it’s an ideal time as crowds are few and it often seems we have most of the places we visit to ourselves.
In the far southern Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic, near the border with Austria, lay the city of Český Krumlov, founded in 1240 and laying claim to the second largest castle in the country (the first being the castle in Prague). Our time exploring was brief, stopping for lunch and final Czech sight-seeing for a little over an hour, but we were quite impressed and soaked up this final stop before crossing the border into Austria. Český Krumlov feels like many of the small cities we’ve passed through, like you are walking amid a film set or set of an ancient story. Each building or storefront had so much unique character. It’s hard to imagine the history, streets filled with horses, carts, and everyone milling about likely doing their best to survive another cold winter, hopefully enjoying many a Pilsner Urquell beer with good friends and family…