Dad, Age 42
Time seems to fly just a bit faster every year. As a self-employed photographer and director I’ve been hitting it hit hard for quite some time without taking time to enjoy the true “fruits” of being a freelancer.
Here’s to the unknown, taking the less obvious fork in the road and enjoying life while the kids are young… And able to carry their own suitcases!
Mom, Age 49
I am ready to shake things up a bit. I can’t wait to shirk our routine and embrace this opportunity to explore some more of the world — and ourselves.
While we’re abroad, I plan to home school Wesley and Frankie. I’m looking forward to the challenge and connecting on a deeper level with the kids.
Son, 5th Grader
I’m really excited to see my friend in Japan and my cousin in Paris. I’m also looking forward to touring the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movie sets in New Zealand!
What might be difficult is not knowing the language in each country. I am a huge baseball fan and it will be hard missing out on what’s going on in the MLB.
Daughter, 3rd Grader
My hobbies are writing, creating art, and gymnastics. I hope I’ll find time to practice on our trip.
What will I miss the most? I am going to miss my cat, Slim. I’m also going to miss my friends, my teacher, and my room at home.
What am I the most excited to see? The Mona Lisa and Stonehenge!
We’ve been home for about a week now and regular life has rushed back in. At times while we were away we felt that four months was a bit long,...
Parting shot and smile-filled farewell to the UK as well as this family adventure. For the past 4 months we’ve been nearly this close and despite many a road weary...
Our final big excursion the day before flying home was touring the Harry Potter Studios just north of London. This is the huge studio complex that was used to film...
Whether it was due to poor planning or simply that we spent too much time at other amazing places along the way, we sadly ended up having only a half-day...
About a year ago we gathered a list of Roald Dahl’s kids books and slowly worked our way through reading them all. As dedicated fans of his writing we felt...
While I was studying in England twenty years ago in the northeast city of Alnwick, England which we visited and Frankie wrote about in her blog post, Michelle came over...