A Tour with Dophins and the Past Week
Hi yesterday we went bogie boarding down a sand hill on one of our tours. The sand was REALLY hot! We also went to the beach and the water was really cold!
We also went to swim with the dolphins on a different tour, but my family decided we weren’t goint to go in the water because it was too cold and I couldn’t because it was for adult swimmers only. We did see two dolphins playing together which was really exciting for me.
Today we are moving to a motel called Snells beach! It has a pool outside and a trampoline so I think it is going to be an awesome motel! The hotel we are staying in right now is called the Edge Water Beach, it is a pretty nice. The beach is across the street and it has a pool, but the water is too cold to swim.
I also have been writing a lot in my journal in the past week.
These are some pictures of the last week!