A Smile-Filled Farewell – Last Thoughts on NZ
Just a handful of months ago I had never spent any time thinking about New Zealand. In fact, and shamefully so, I could hardly tell you where it was on the globe – other than in somewhat close proximity to Australia. Now our month-long tour is behind us and I feel a deep appreciation and love for this country and it’s wonderful people. And the natural beauty – wow! I never knew.
Our time here was a whirlwind – moving to a new location about every 2-3 days. At times we felt too mobile and wanted to stay longer in a particular town but we had activities scheduled so we had to keep moving. With the exception of a few tense moments, we held it together and the faster pace proved to be a fair trade for the extensive traversing and varied experiences.
“Heaps” of thanks to Shelley and the team at Fine Tours New Zealand for their work helping plan our trip. Our rather last minute decision to travel during New Zealand’s peak season would not have been nearly as smooth or varied without their expertise as far as routes, recommended activities, and accommodations. Their firsthand knowledge of all the country has in store would have been nearly impossible to research, let alone plan and book on our own. Their tagline “Get Lost with Our Help,” could not be a better way of summing up their services.
Japan calls!