Tokyo, Japan and my Origami Class!
I am now in Tokyo, Japan. It has been colder than New Zealand here, but warmer that Minnesota. We have a language book that I have been using to learn words and phrases in Japanese. It has been fun to see the differences and pronounce the words. The word for thank you in Japanese is domo arigatou!
We get a lot of coins because they use cash more that credit cards. I counted all of the coins that my dad had and the total amount was $41.00 in American money.
A few days ago we went to a origami class in Tokyo called Origami Kaikan! Some of my favorite things about the class was that there were challenges. There was a person that was famous for his origami skills named Kazuo Kobayashi. He gave a demonstration and made animals including a black and white dog. He also made a ring and a rose that he gave my mom. There was a lady that was teaching a separate class and whenever I had a hard time finding out what to do next with my origami creation she always helped me out.
My favorite thing about Japan so far is our house and eating ramen!!