A Monkey Park and Some other Fun Stories from Japan
I really love japan a lot. It has so many things to do. I always see people stare at me, probably because everybody in Japan has either gray hair or black hair and I have blond hair.
I am almost done with my adventure in japan with my family. I am going to miss the ramen and the beautiful city, especially the lights at night. We take the train around in japan. Little kids even go on the trains by themselves to get to school and back. It’s different from home because little kids either go on a school bus with all their other friends, or get driven to school by their mom or dad.
Today we went to a monkey park outside of Kyoto in a place called Monkey Park Iwatayama. It was really fun because we got to feed them and get very close because they were not in a cage like a zoo. It was raining, but that didn’t stop us from going, it only stopped my mom so she went home and my dad and my brother and I went by ourselves. The monkeys mostly eat peanuts and apples. They crack them open and eat the nuts and shell together. If you want to feed them you have to put a peanut or apple in the palm of your hand and let the monkey grab it. My favorite were the baby monkeys because they were sooooooooooo cute!!!!
Next we are going to Thailand. I am a little scared to go because if you get bitten by a mosquito you could get a disease called malaria, but it is very rare and it will not kill you so I will be ok!!!!!!!!!!!