A Treasure Hunt with my Dad in France!
A few days ago we went to a beautiful house in the south of France. The town was called Sauteyrargues and it was really small and in the country. The house was perfect for me because the lady who owned it had kids and the kids left some toys at the house so I could play with them.
We stayed there for 2 days but it seemed like five days. The whole time we stayed at the house I played with all of the toys, I drew, and I wrote a lot except one time I went out of the house with my dad and we went on a scavenger hunt that the lady who owned the house planned for us!! The scavenger hunt had a map that we used to find two secret places. On the hunt we found little toys in two tiny tin boxes. If you take a toy you have to put back something. It is really fun!!!
The hunt was one hour long plus 15 minutes. On the walk we had to walk up and down two small mountains. The first hiding place was 30 minutes away from the house and the second one was about 1 hour away from the house. We went to both and it was a circle route so we did not have to walk back the whole way. After the last treasure we ended up at our house in about five minutes.
After we got back to our house from the trip our feet were all muddy and our shoes had to be left outside because they were wet. Our shoes were muddy and wet because we were walking in the woods. It was even worse because it was raining before we went so everything in the woods was very very muddy and wet!!!
At the first treasure hunt stop I picked out a little angel stuffed animal and I put some coins in that box!! But at the second treasure hunt stop I did not take anything, but I did put some thing back in the box. It was a really pretty seashell.
I really liked our house because there was a swing inside and it used to be a restaurant. The walls were cement and rock walls with some wood. We had to put wood in the fireplace to heat up the house. To start the fire we had to use a bellows to blow air on it. This is one of my favorite houses!