4 Days in Prague
A few days ago we drove into Prague in the Czech Republic. We met a lady named Victoria and she showed us where we’d be staying for the next four days. The apartment (AirBnB) was big and really fancy with two levels and a glassed-in porch. When I walked in I ran upstairs to pick out my bedroom while Wesley went with my dad to park the car.
We spent our time there walking a lot and taking the train a few times. We visited a castle, an imagination museum, really old churches, and a communism museum (which is a type of government). We also ate at a few restaurants. One morning my brother, my dad, and I walked to a really famous bridge, the Charles Bridge that was built in Prague over 650 years ago. The city is really unique because of all buildings are so old and colorful and there used to be kings and queens roaming the streets there.
On our last night we could not get in to our apartment because there was something wrong with the lock. The owner came and let us into another apartment because the locksmith couldn’t come until the next morning. We didn’t have any of our stuff but we were happy to have a warm place to sleep.