Our First Few Days in Thailand and the Elephant Nature Park
We are now in Thailand and the first few days here we spent in Bangkok. In downtown Bangkok we went on a boat for dinner. The boat went down a river and did a loop. While we ate there were two people dancing in traditional Thai clothes in the middle of the boat. The food (mostly seafood) was really good but they brought way too much for us so we didn’t eat it all.
After two days in Bangkok we flew north to Chiang-Mai to spend the next five days. Our hotel was really nice!!! We ended up eating there a lot because the food was really good, but it eventually got old.
One of the coolest things we did in Chiang-Mai was go to the Elephant Nature Park. We got up one morning, got dressed, had breakfast, and walked to the parking lot of our hotel and waited for a van to come that would take us to see the elephants! It took a really long time but the van finally came, we were lucky because we were the second to last stop so we didn’t have to wait much. The drive was an hour long but along the way a movie played about elephants and the rules of the elephant park. We eventually arrived. There were four elephants that we would spend the day with, they were all females.At first we got to feed them watermelon, bananas, and sugarcane. To feed them you either feed the food directly to their mouths or hold it out in front of you and they will take it with their trunks and eat it themselves. It was really cool to see! After that we took them on a walk around a mountain and along the way we stopped and had a really good lunch. When we got back down to the bottom of the mountain we went in a stream with the elephants and bathed them by dumping buckets of water on them. Then we went back to the van and drove to another elephant park that had 67 elephants. There we got to feed them some figs and saw a baby elephant. After that we drove home. It was a really fun day!